Finding part-time jobs as a student in the USA

Finding a part-time job can be a terrific way to get experience in the workforce, make money, and get a taste of American culture if you’re an overseas student looking at study abroad options in the USA. Choosing which jobs are the best fit for your schedule, talents, and professional aspirations can be overwhelming with so many possibilities available. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best part-time work prospects in the USA for foreign students, with an emphasis on positions that can complement your studies and give you useful experience. We’ll also offer some advice on how to obtain part-time jobs in the USA as an international student. There are numerous opportunities available that can aid you, whether you’re looking for a job on or off campus that can help you make the most of your study abroad experience.
Tips for finding part-time jobs as a student in the USA


Some of the world’s most esteemed schools and institutions are located in the USA. Every year, millions of students from all over the world attend these educational institutions because of the high level of instruction and exposure to other cultures they provide. However, to attend college in the USA, you must have substantial financial resources or apply for bank financing. International students frequently work part-time jobs in the US to help offset some of the everyday expenses they incur. 


Although in theory, it should be simple to get a work, you might not know where to begin, which part-time employment is best for students, or what to look out for. We will examine the most common methods for looking for part-time employment in this article and the different employment options to fit your studies. Read further to get a head start on your job hunt. 


You should first comprehend how it can benefit you while you are studying there before you begin hunting for a career overseas. Here are several benefits of having a part-time job while you are studying abroad. 


Boost Your Income to Help Pay for Your Study Abroad Expense Burden 

Not all international students will be able to afford their study abroad goals. Part-time jobs will be advantageous for you in terms of controlling expenses if you use a loan to accomplish your ambition. You now have some financial safety to rely on from your student budget because of this. Additionally, it can assist you in managing your student loan and living expenses while studying abroad.


Learn the Language and Develop Your Social Skills 

During your first few days abroad, you might observe the contrast in cultures and languages. However, as a freshman, you will meet your class and have the opportunity to get through any language or cultural hurdles. 


If pursuing a profession in a desirable foreign nation is your main motivation for studying abroad, you must be aware of its social and cultural history. Learning a new language and getting a deeper understanding of the locals are two advantages of working part-time for students. Additionally, it will enable you to see them in a laid-back setting. 


Practical knowledge/awareness of the workplace culture 

Finding on- or off-campus employment can be a key element in enhancing your study abroad experience in addition to helping you to pay your tuition.

You will discover the critical importance of leadership abilities and teamwork, from intrapersonal to cognitive capabilities.


Additionally, you will have firsthand experience using best practices to handle problems in the real world. These abilities and a decent grasp of the workplace culture are absolutely necessary. 


Boost Your Confidence 

Another benefit of having a part-time job for students is feeling independent. You learn a lot about time management while balancing employment and school. You get knowledge on how to manage your time, money, and social life. Because of the abilities you acquire, the friends you make, and the ways you figure out how to pay for your education, your life will feel more autonomous. As a result, when you leave the house, you will be well-equipped to face the outside world.


Knowing where to go for pertinent and current job information is crucial because finding part-time jobs in the US can be difficult for Indian and international students. You can use the following tools to find a part-time job in the US:


  • The career services offices at universities can help you locate employment prospects.
  • Student Unions: They can offer details about open positions and how to apply.
  • University Departments: Various departments within a university may have openings for temporary positions. It is advisable to ask.
  • Maintaining relationships, particularly with senior citizens, can help you find employment prospects. Networking is beneficial because graduating students can be required to find their replacement.
  • Online Resources: Visit the website of your university or online community and join relevant Facebook groups to stay updated on job openings.


Since US degrees are among the best in the world, they are also the most expensive. An international student’s estimated annual living expenses in the US are around $18,000, or roughly $1500 per month. Students frequently find themselves in situations where they must take on part-time employment in order to comfortably support themselves due to the significant expenses they must bear. For overseas students studying in the USA while they are on student visas, the nation has severe regulations and standards that must be followed. Remember that the nation takes working illegally very seriously. Your status as a student will be at risk if you violate these guidelines, and you might even get deported. 


Let’s examine the points to keep in mind when seeking part-time work.

  1. Hours of work restrictions

If you have been granted an F1 visa, you are allowed to work 20 hours per week at part-time occupations for students in the US. This makes sure you follow their rules and enables you to effectively divide your time between employment and school.


  1. Speak with your DSO

Contact your Designated School Official (DSO) after all of your paperwork is in order and you have received your visa. Your DSO will provide options and references for part-time work, provided you have a strong academic record and are in line with their general discipline.

  1. Only campus jobs

Students can only take up part-time employment on their college campus. To get employed at other locations, an international student must finish one year of their course and gain specific training.


  1. Optional Practical Training (OPT) – This lets college students work part-time for up to a year during or after their studies.
  2. STEM OPT- Similar to the OPT, students enrolled in STEM courses have the option of choosing this temporary work for an additional 12 months after the initial year.
  3. Circular Practical Training – Through paid internships or jobs, this program enables students to get practical experience in their chosen fields of study.


There are several student-oriented part-time jobs to help them comfortably get through their years abroad. These jobs are tailored to abide by all visa guidelines and are not hard to find. You will often find designated officials on campus to mentor you in choosing the right fit for you. 


International students with F-1 visas are limited to working 20 hours per week and making $7.25 an hour, the federal minimum wage, on average. But some positions can bring in up to $15 per hour. The top part-time jobs for students in the USA typically pay between $10 and $15 per hour. The following are the international students’ top part-time wages in the USA:


Part-Time Job Profile

Average Wage per hour (in USD)

Campus Ambassador




Teaching Assistant


Library Assistant




Research Study Assistant


Department Assistant


Food Runner or Catering Assistant


Sales Assistant


Tutor or Peer Mentor



Students who are studying abroad value part-time employment since it allows for social connections, valuable work experience, and financial support. At American universities, it is generally simple to find on-campus employment, and many positions are designed to satisfy visa criteria. A complete student life experience is provided through part-time employment. We sincerely hope that the advice above will assist you in budgeting your spending while living abroad and pursuing your studies without difficulty.


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